Wednesday, April 9, 2014

K'needles update 15

I started a cardigan from my aunt's old knitting book. 
It's been fun, but, now that I'm at the tedious stockinette stitch for 173 stitches back and forth for many many inches, it had me itching to do something else as well.
I've also been sorting through my huge stash (especially the yarn that was donated to me) and figuring out what to keep and what to pass on. During that I came across a cotton/linen blend and just had to do something with it. So I made a scarf. 
Here is a close up of the lace pattern:
It's a leaf and stem lace. I liked it so much, and I had more yarn, that I decided to make another scarf--but this time in the round. The first scarf works well for a little girl, and I'm thinking the second one will be good for a woman. Mom and daughter matching scarves :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

K'needles update 14

I finished the head band a couple of weeks ago and then had arm issues and knitters block after that. 
I like how the headband turned out. It'll be really warm. 

Today, I decided it was time to knit again. 
I ripped up a blanket I had started a month or two ago but decided it was not a nice blanket. The nobbly yarn wasn't enough to make a blanket feel like a blanket. So I paired it with a soft machine-washable wool and it's going to be fabulous now. 
The blanket is now soft, has a nice stretch, and good body to it. Pairing up a good basic yarn with a novelty yarn is a great way to go. 

Today I also started and finished a simple cowl from some random mohair-esque yarn I found in a donated stash. It was cut up into pieces and wound around clothesline pins so I don't know anything about the yarn but it turned out lovely and just the right amount. 
On the mannequin head it looks a bit loose, but on me it's just flush with my neck. I crocheted it with an N hook and did a simple V lace with a base of hdc. 

It feels great to be back creating. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Found this photo on the Lion Brand Facebook page. Not sure who came up with it but it's leaving many of us in stitches.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Playing with color

I rarely knit with more than one color. It's a lot of work and I didn't have the technique worked out because I never really tried. But as one of my New Years resolutions I was going to give intarsia a shot. Only took until Feb. 8 to try it out. And it's a lot easier than I thought. It's still more time consuming than plain knitting but opens up a new world. I went with a simple heart swatch of 20 stitches. 
Well, since that was easier than expected and crossed off the list, I had to add to my list. So I figured I'd give fair isle a chance. But this time I wanted to make a project out of it. So I came up with this headband. 
I've been using the one-handed stranding technique because I'm not good at English style but it would be nice to do two-handed stranding because my pinky is so worn out from switching back and forth between the two colors. 

Lastly, I started out using a simple bobbin of yarn just wrapped around a piece of cardboard with the ends folded up. It works okay, but the yarn unwraps freely. I remembered seeing someone make a butterfly bobbin once so I looked for a tutorial. This one was helpful: So I made my very first bitterly bobbin and I love it!